Friday, June 27, 2014

Week One

Alright, it has been almost a week since I planted everything in my aquascape.  Learning how to change the water turned out to be an adventure.  I ended up unseating a plant and messing up the front corner on my first water change.  I learned very quickly to pour the water over my driftwood and not over the soil.

My Dwarf Hairgrass is slowly growing and spreading.  I am starting to see little sprouts occurring all over the scape.  They are very small at the moment, but they are there.  Also the grass seems to be creeping a little. spreading out all over the scape.  I am pretty happy so far with the grass.

The Telanthera Cardinalis has seemed to be making itself more at home instead of growing.  The one in the back of the tank behind the driftwood has grown upwards some, but what I am mostly seeing is the growth of roots.  I tried to get a close up picture, if you can see what appears to be the hairs growing out of certain sections of the plant. I am about to look into it more.  This is a fairly common plant in planted aquariums so I am sure there is plenty of information on if I need to do anything else or if this is normal growth.

This next part has me mildly concerned.  I seem to be growing something in the filter tubing.  I know bacteria growth is needed in the filter.  So I don't know if this is normal or if it is algae growing.  My concern follows the fact that my tank has an odd tint to it.  I am told it is fairly normal because of high ammonia levels until the bacteria and plants grow more to help ease the situation.  I did put in some drops of API Algaefix because I have some and I want to see if it clears anything up over the next 3 days.  I mean the tank is looking good, the water discoloration is barely noticeable but hey I want the perfect tank.

Well this is one week down, I have another two weeks to go before I think about putting fish in it.  I am enjoying the maintenance of the tank, it is about 15 minutes or so a day.  Including water changes and then any debris that is floating in the water.  Over the  next couple of days I should get a new inflow and outflow hard tube for my aquarium, the green ones are just too garish for me.  Anyways, here is a picture I took a couple minutes ago of my tank.  Enjoy!

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