Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Complete Tank

 Been a little over a month since my last post.  I have been allowing the plants to grow and grow.... and grow.   The grass has spread and carpeted most of the floor of my tank.   My needle grass has wildly grown up, I have had to cut it three times now. You can see it is short right now, I cut it today, bc it keeps growing up to the top of the tank and cutting proper circulation which causes some stagnation.

My cardinalis plants are nice and red and growing thick. The plants are hugging the wood very nicely.  Covering it the right amount.  I have fish now.  Hopefully they stay alive, my first attempt left only one surviver.  Seems that the intake valve to the filter had a problem of sucking up my fish, so I bought a cover for the intake valve so the fish cant get sucked into my filter.  Right now I have 12 neon tetra fish, and I am hoping to buy a few cherry shrimp to eat the small amounts of algae that grow on the grass.  The tank seems to be very healthy right now.  I am hoping this continues.   I need some of the grass on the right side to thicken up.  Other than that it is looking great.  Below you will find some pictures taken after my morning maintenance from today.  I hope you enjoy.

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